Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Ever been upset with yourself because you are working 24/7 and don't have enough time to get motivated and moving? 

I have. Constantly. Like today, for example - I had training for work from 7:45 AM to around 9:30 PM (*I work as an Orientation Assistant for my college, introducing the incoming freshman to the school). Granted, I had a break from 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, but working out right after lunch was a no-no, and then I had a few errands to run. HENCE, NO TIME TO WORKOUT. BESIDES MAYBE A MILE RUN AND SOME CRUNCHES. Not good enough. Sighhh... Life is tough, no?

Absolutely not. Life can be simple if you make it simple. That's why I'm writing this post today. To inform you that there are, in fact, many ways to incorporate calorie-busting activities throughout your work day. Just keep it simple. (Ahem, unless, you are a crazy person like me who gets up to run at 5 AM or works out in her room at 9:30 PM). OBSERVE.

I do not take credit for this image.

1. Take the stairs.
Well, now of course you're like Duh, taking the stairs burns more calories than taking the elevator. But how many of you actually do that? If you don't now, you should. Climbing just two flights of stairs everyday could result in a weight loss of 6 pounds per year. Six flights could help you cut almost 18 pounds.* And half the time, taking the stairs is actually faster than waiting for the elevator. Not only do the stairs burn calories, but they also burn stress, which is something I have had to deal with constantly. I started taking the stairs during my first job this summer as a camp counselor for high school students (I had to climb four flights of stairs multiple times a day). I immediately noticed a heightened energy level and a lower stress level.

*Information from Senior Life Health

I do not take credit for this image.

2. Drink more water.
To me, it seems that the more water I drink, the less unnecessary snacking I will be doing, especially at work. It satisfies cravings for the most part - because a lot of the time when you think you're hungry, you're actually just thirsty! Not only will you snack less, but you will probably burn more calories by walking to the drinking fountain or constantly breaking for the bathroom (hehe).

3. Walk to lunch.
OR, you could even work out during your lunch break - there's a thought. But really, find a healthy place nearby to grab a quick lunch. If your lunch is really quick, you might even be able to go for a longer walk during lunch. You can even pack your own lunch and walk somewhere pretty to eat. Grab some friends to go with you.

4. Eat a balanced breakfast - or at least eat SOME breakfast.
I can't stress enough how important it is to get in a good breakfast. Seriously. Eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism from the get-go and helps you to burn more fat/calories throughout the day. It will probably also prevent you from constant, unnecessary snacking throughout the morning (snacking is good, but not excessively, and not with junk food!). Some examples of great breakfast choices are a serving of oatmeal or whole grain cereal with non-fat or skim milk and a hard-boiled egg. Or maybe a bowl of berries or other fruits with plain Greek yogurt and granola! Peanut butter on whole wheat toast and non-fat milk is also another great option. And, don't forget that every breakfast should include a glass of water! (I think my next post will be about balanced breakfast options!)

5. Stand more.
Always look for opportunities to stand - in a meeting, while on the phone, during a lecture, whenever. Seriously. The more you stand, the more you burn.

This is my friend Emily - isn't she purty!?

6. Make the most out of your commute.
If work is too far to walk, you could try biking. If work is too far for either of these options, try parking or getting off the bus stop a few blocks away and walk to your destination instead. Every little bit counts!

Most of these "activities" may seem extremely minor, but by making an effort to implement them on a daily basis, you will definitely see improvement over time. It may be slow and steady, but combined with healthy eating and other exercise (even if just on the weekend), this will truly make an impact. No doubt about it - this has all worked for me over the past four months.

Pardon me for the totally NON-personal post! I will be updating you guys tomorrow with pretty new pictures of my OWN food - and maybe even my first recipe! I'm so excited :)

-Sarah Beth

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